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Supplies and Stucco Product Stores in the New York City area

Come visit our Stucco Supply Store in Brooklyn, New York for all the supplies you need for your commercial or residential stucco projects. Other locations serviced by deliveries directly from our headquarters are Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island, Connecticut and New Jersey.

Brooklyn Stucco Supply | Prime Stucco

1271 McDonald Ave

Brooklyn, NY 11230

Tel. 718-360-1390

Fax. 718-715-1020

Long Island Stucco Supply

Deliveries to entire Long Island Region

Tel. 718-360-1390

New Jersey and Connecticut Stucco Supply Service for contractors only. 


Tel. 718-360-1390

Queens, Manhattan Stucco Supply Service for contractors only. 


Tel. 718-360-1390

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